
204. How to Eat to Fix and Optimize Your Period with Alisa Vitti



A woman’s period is considered her fifth vital sign. The health of our period is an indicator of fertility and hormonal health, with our hormones influencing our weight and health. In this episode, women’s health pioneer Alisa Vitti shares with us:The science we need to know around our period so we can make informed, empowered choices about our fertility and healthWhy women in their fertile years need carbs and keto and intermittent fasting doesn’t work long-term.The energy shifts during our cycle to pay attention so you aren’t eating carbs to push throughTo join our Insatiable community, visit to meet other Insatiable listeners? Have a burning question about an episode? Want some free coaching from Ali on whatever you are currently struggling with? Join our free Insatiable community gathering on the first Tuesday of each month from 2-3:00 pm ET. Hope to meet you soon. Visit to sign-up and learn more.