Radio Free Sarawak

13 March 2024



On Today Show — Agnes Dijih, Resident of Selangau – Since Taib’s death, People want their illegally confiscated land to be returned! — Dennis Along, social activist from Mulu – Challenging Unexplained Wealth: Activist Appeal for Investigation > PROGRAME ANNOUCEMENT: The Centre for Independent Journalism is organizing an event titled "The Pursuit of Truth: An Insight into Exposing Corruption." Clare will be speaking online and responding to questions. — Dr. George Chen from Sibu, the co-ordinator of Bersih in Central Sarawak – Insight into NCR Land Ownership in Sibu: The Legacy of Taib Mahmud — Sailisah of kpg Andab Bangau Kudat, Sabah – Save Sabah's Coastal Environment: Stop the Sand Mining at Bangau Beach Topik Pada Hari Ini - Agnes Dijih, Penduduk Selangau - Sejak kematian Taib, rakyat mahu tanah yang dirampas secara haram dikembalikan! - Dennis Along, aktivis sosial dari Mulu - Menantang Kekayaan yang Tidak Diterangkan: Rayuan Aktivis untuk Penyiasatan > ANUNSI PROGRAM: Pusat Kewartawanan Independen