3 Petals Healing

Introduction To Esoteric Healing



We will be talking about the energy healing modality of Esoteric Healing. What is Esoteric Healing and how it’s different from other healing modalities. The importance of Alignment and Attunement and asking for healing to be according to the will of the soul, and how the Soul influences our healing, well-being, and life lessons. We’ll talk a bit about how in Esoteric Healing classes we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves as spiritual beings, our spiritual anatomy, and how each chakras influences a physiological system of our physical body as well as the emotional and mental psychological contribution a chakra offers. If you’re feeling lost or stuck in life, dealing with physical or emotional pain, or stuck in mental limitations, Esoteric Healing can help: help you help yourself and help you to help others. In addition to info about our Fall Esoteric Healing Class!