Things Worth Considering

Bullying - Part 2 - Adults



Last time in Part 1 of our series on bullying we talked about childhood bullying. The four different types of bullying: emotional, physical, relational and cyberbullying. The devastating effects it can have on children from low self-esteem, not sleeping or eating, failing grades, substance abuse and even suicide. Tonight’s episode is about adult bullying. We discuss the personality types who target others but not without a group of other people surrounding them and asserting the power of the bully. Why would people allow bullying of others but what draws them into this toxic group of people? There is a fine line between bullying and abuse. Many adults who are bullied as adults were bullied as children, and often the opposite can be true that the adult bully was a childhood bully. How can they allow themselves to be bullied again? What has been discovered is the bullied person drops back into being that young child, feeling and experiencing exactly as they did when they were age 8. 10 or 12 years old and suff