Things Worth Considering

Bullying - Part 1



Bullying is defined as mean, hurtful behaviour that occurs repeatedly in a relationship with a perceived imbalance of power or strength. It takes many forms — name calling, beating up, relationships, and internet. Although schools are doing more to deal with bullying, parents are still the key to empowering kids to prevent and stop it. Bullying is not just one kid to another. It can be a parent to child, or a teacher or coach. Verbal bullying, using cruel spoken words, ongoing name-calling, threatening, and making disrespectful comments about someone's attributes (appearance, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, etc.). Physical bullying includes aggressive physical intimidation, with repeated hitting, kicking, tripping, blocking, pushing, and touching in unwanted and inappropriate ways. Relational bullying, can include exclusionary tactics, by deliberately preventing someone from joining or being part of a group, whether it's at a lunch table, game, sport, or social activity. Cyberbullying, t