Things Worth Considering

Remembrance 11:11



The 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour, the Great War came to an end through the signing of the Armistice Agreement. On this day each year throughout the Commonwealth, we stop and remember those that lost their lives through the aggression of nations or power-hungry men looking to expand their country, resources and personal fortunes. In America, the same date is observed but with a different name, it is called Veterans Day. On November 8th, we commemorate our Canadian Indigenous Veterans. It is with sadness and gratitude we remember the men and women willing to fight in far off lands for the freedoms we enjoy today and will tomorrow. A great many families have been touched by the wars. Although the November 11 date was specific to World War 1, it has been expanded to included World War 2, the Korean War, the Vietnamese War, Iran Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. The November 11 date is of interest as 11: 11 holds much mystical meanings. The choosing of that date and time had to have been for reasons we