Things Worth Considering

Bonfire of the Celts



October 31st – We had it cancelled last year, but this year, it leads us to ask where did this evening of Halloween begin? We must admit it is a very strange event, quite apart from anything else we see on our calendars of holidays and celebrations. From a celebration of Celtic lore that celebrated the harvest until the Catholic Church got involved, with at least two Popes adding new dimensions to the evening and the days that followed. The inclusion of the saints and those that had passed on heightened the supernatural element. From Mexico’s Day of the Dead to Canada’s and America’s Halloween, although influenced by the Church, it remains a very secular celebration of spirits, ghosts and goblins, oh and Candy! The Celts calendar was divided into 2 seasons, the light season and the dark season and this is the start of the dark season. It is also the time that they say the veil between the living world and the next world is at its thinnest. Communication between the 2 worlds is strongest at this time of the ye