Things Worth Considering

Loneliness – the Other Pandemic



At no time in the history of Humanity have we been more connected. Just over a hundred years ago, the telephone was invented. It was in 1927, the first transatlantic overseas call was made. Now, we can call anywhere in world but that’s old technology. Today we can call, text, video call, zoom conference with multiple people (as in hundreds) all at the same time. The click of a button and we are talking and seeing anyone from anywhere on our planet. In spite of these technological achievements, loneliness has reached epic proportions worldwide. Alone and lonely are very different things, one, alone, is a choice and can be glorious. Loneliness, however, is a perceptual feeling that experiences a lack of connections, or more specifically, quality relationships. The rise of loneliness was well researched long before Covid-19 debuted, which has only exacerbated our loneliness through isolation and physical distance. It has reached such levels that the UK. in 2017, appointed an elected member of parliament to b