Things Worth Considering

Spiritual Awakening – The Myths & The Realities



Are we in a catch-22 with mental health and spiritual awakening? On the one hand we are finally seeing mental health moved out of the darkness and being recognized for its crucial role in our overall wellness but on the other hand, people talk of the Covid-19 pandemic as being a global spiritual awakening. Why is it a catch-22? Both mental disorders and spiritual awakening can share similar symptoms and experiences but if treated the wrong way can alter the outcome. A Spiritual Emergency and the Dark Night of the Soul may not always be part of spiritual awakening. Both however can include depression, dissociative experiences, feeling disconnected and psychosis. Experiences that many people may wish to go to a therapist for or it may be suggested that they go to their health care provider. If the health care provider prescribes medication, which given the conditions above would seem like a good choice, the spiritual emergency has now been moved to a psychiatric emergency. The medication will help alleviate th