Things Worth Considering

White Water Woman



This story starts on the Madawaska River, this river, as with many, flows out of Algonquin Park, wild in its natural state and after 240 km it joins the Ottawa River. Algonquin Park is the headwaters to many rivers as it is the highest point of land in Ontario. For 50 years now, this river and this forest have been our guest's home . The Algonquin and Anishinabek people have lived here for millennia. They now hold the responsibility to ensure it will continue to thrive for future generations. This watershed is their home, their work, their community and their playground. They teach how to work with the river, you cannot fight the currents, you need to work with it, learn how to place your boat to harness the energy for the water to do the work for you – it’s a gravity sport; thus equal for men & women, using the water - being one with the RIVER. The river is such a metaphor for life, we can learn to enter into the rapids and let the rapids and gravity move us along doing the work, or we just jump in