Things Worth Considering

Tapping In !!



Its casual name is ‘Tapping’ and its formal name is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). In short, by Tapping on specific acupressure points a profoundly relaxing effect is produced and when you pair this with focusing your attention and exploring thoughts and beliefs, it can help shift anxiety, stress, fear, depression and limiting thought patterns. EFT is an evidence-based modality and is recognized by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario as such. Extensive research into EFT is proving it to be an important resource for shifting the psychological and physiological indicators of common mental health issues. As studies reported, anxiety levels decreased, so too did the levels of cortisol, a measurable stress hormone, in the participants. Blood Pressure, respiratory rates, heart rhythms and pulse all showed marked improvements. Of further interest, a definitive diagnosis of a pathology is not necessary in order for the benefits of EFT to become measurable and the perceived relief by the particip