Things Worth Considering

Worth Shaking For



Have you ever wondered why people shake or develop tremors after a traumatic event? Whether we are involved in say, an accident or we observe a bad accident we will possibly develop the shakes. Even receiving bad news over the phone or in an email can have the same effect. In other words we don’t have to see it, or physically experience it because even hearing traumatic news can activate this mechanism. Trauma researchers have identified that shaking is our bodies natural way of assisting us to get through the trauma by calming and quieting our nervous system and our brain. By keeping everything moving in such a way that we can get back to what our baseline or our normal is. However the benefit of shaking is often interrupted or cutoff from finishing its task. The trauma then becomes stored in our bodies and can cause problems later on. Dr. David Berceli, developed techniques to work with our natural vibrations, it is called TRE®. It can release emotions ranging from mild upset to severe anxiety whether c