Things Worth Considering

7 Rays of Power



Are you aware that some of the world’s oldest religions, from Hinduism and Buddhism to the esoteric Mystery schools, inform much of what we can call 21st century Spirituality? Brought to awareness originally by Madame Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy and later by the extensive writings of Alice A. Bailey, the Seven Rays are the fundamental energies that organize and maintain all that exists on the planet. Given this concept, all things are comprised of the Seven Rays, which give way to sub-rays, since each ray is also comprised of the full 7 Rays. We see that magical 7 manifested in many ways, 7 musical notes in a scale, 7 days of the week, 7 colours in the visible spectrum (including the rainbow), and the seven major chakras. Theses energies can be seen as stemming from Universal White Light and represent different characteristics and qualities of the Divine or Source. As universal energies, the Rays, are available to us all and by understanding them can help us understand ourselves and the world as a w