Things Worth Considering

Spirit Chaser



Have you experienced what is sometimes called, a spiritual visitation - the perception that something or someone is attempting to communicate with you from beyond the normal physical world? There are those who claim to have seen apparitions of an otherworldly nature, while others have perceived clear and distinct voices that seem to come from nowhere in particular. While such encounters in waking life can be perplexing enough, these can also powerfully arise within dream states, particularly among those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. How do we make sense of such experiences? Might a spiritual visitation have truly occurred? And how do our beliefs about such things colour our interpretation of the event? On this Episode, we will look at the more common experiences qualified as spiritual visitations”-from the visible apparition to those who hear voices; from dreams playing host to visitors from beyond the grave to deathbed encounters with otherworldly beings. While meandering through the mysterious