Things Worth Considering




Have you ever found yourself getting close to a goal, they called you in for the interview and with anticipation increasing, you realize you forget to submit a required document? The job went to someone else. Or you are out on a date, it has been a while and you gradually have steered the conversation to your talking most of the evening about your ex-partner and your break-up. You wanted to explain your side of the story and that you are a good guy. Your date very politely at the end of the date asks that you not contact them anymore. You knew as your story was tripping out of your mouth that this is not something to do on a first date or any date actually. Both of these examples show someone self-sabotaging. What they want for the future is hijacked by behaviours that obstruct their movement towards their goals. Many times it is subconscious. Every time something good is taking off for you or you are about to finalize a project, you blow it up. Why do we do this? Not just once but consistently. Join us as