Things Worth Considering

Looking for a New Normal.



What is a new normal? What will it look like? Is our imposed lock down a new normal? It may be new but not normal. Plodding along we appear to be inching our way to the downward slope of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many are still in some sort of lock down and we are all in anticipation, that just maybe we will be able to burst out of our imposed isolation and live life differently than the last year and a half. The reference to a new normal has crept into our language but what is a this new normal that threatens to emerge. After the pandemic, what will be our new normal. We might want to consider some possibilities as the time may be approaching to put the new plans into effect. Many are waiting to get back to the way things were, do the things they did pre-pandemic. Even things they didn’t like, they want to get back to. People are craving familiarity. People want to connect/need to connect. The isolation, the no touching and staying 6 feet apart while wearing a mask, are the absolute antithesis of every humans’