Things Worth Considering

Wild Edibles



We all know that shopping for food, especially fresh produce, at our local supermarkets does not yield us with the highest quality edibles. In most instances the food has been shipped to us from the far corners of the planet but from the moment they were picked their nutritional value begins to decline. Now imagine that our planetary food supply was to somehow be jeopardized, and the things we normally buy become scarcer. How could that happen? There are many reasons like politics, economics, plant infestations, public health decrees due to threats to our own plants. It is not an out of this world sci-fi horror story. Food and drug shortages are very real and infinitely possible. Now look out at the field across the street or over a couple of blocks, imagine if we were educated enough to realize that much of what is growing underfoot may actually be edible. Not only are these plants edible but they are the basis for important healing medicines and remedies. Wild edibles are very nutrient rich, more so than