Things Worth Considering

Ready for Racial Therapy?



As much as most of us are so over it, the Covid-19 Pandemic has been instrumental in bringing to the surface issues in our world that would best have been dealt with a couple hundred years ago. The treatment of the senior most members of our society living in long term care facilities, make up almost two-thirds of the deaths in Canada. Arising with our treatment of the aged, is a mounting awareness of systemic racism throughout all levels of government, corporations, housing and education. Black Lives Matter rose to prominence during the pandemic but were making inroads a couple of years before. BIPOC individuals are statistically at a higher risk of becoming sicker and dying from the Covid-19 Virus, yet one year after the pandemic was declared the government has finally decided to mount vaccination campaigns in neighbourhoods where higher at-risk people live. We all like to believe we are not racist, but it is so very difficult to escape what we heard and saw while growing up. Our language, our humour, our