Things Worth Considering

Nutrition Outside the Box



Eating well and eating properly can be an exercise in futility at times. We have all read the articles, maybe taken a course or two and learned what is good for us, and what foods to eat to get the good stuff. Problem: Lots of the foods suggested by the experts, in order for us to be at optimal physical health, we may not like. Not all people like the same foods and definitely not all food suggested by nutritionists is likeable. Many dietitians and nutritionists are very knowledgeable but often will give each client almost the same diets and food suggestions. However food plays more of a role than just being our fuel supply to keep going. Fortunately among those who are generalists are the Holistic Nutritionists . Holistic Nutrition looks at the whole person, body, mind, emotions and spirit. It sees each person as a unique individual with different wants, needs, desires and goals. We are all individuals and any care given should be as unique as we are. What if everyone didn’t take nutrition so seriously.