Things Worth Considering




No one has ever disagreed, there are no studies that contradict the fact that humans are hard wired to connect. Hard wired to connect to each other, but also our pets, like cats and dogs and horses. A child begins to cry when the mother leaves the room and stops upon her return. If we are Hard Wired to connect then why do so many people have such difficulties in forming and maintaining satisfying relationships. Not just marriage but even friendships and with co-workers. Growing up we may have been part of a family that taught us our job was to take care of the rest of the family, or maybe feelings were not allowed, or only certain ones were allowed. We learned that what we needed or wanted, held no value to the family and we suppressed those things. Being good often meant doing something for someone else and then the praise flowed easily. Most painful of all, a parent who left us through divorce or death and the hole it left in us is not fill-able by anyone because we can’t trust that they will not leave u