Things Worth Considering

Leading With the Heart



Throughout our journey, our minds have been instilled with ideas of finding the right teacher, guru, rabbi or priest who knew the answers to all of our questions. As we gained knowledge, perhaps we became such a teacher. An endless cycling of archetypal learning, looking outward toward the horizon for an answer to a yet unspoken question. Can we risk stopping that outward gaze? Will we put the same trust invested in others as our guides into something other than another human? Could we put such pressure on our self to journey inwards, prepared to listen and be with the rhythms arising from within. Stepping past our own human ego to wander into a forest, surrendering to the message the trees and plants emit, allowing the natural world to guide us to know who we are. At the centre, our beating heart transmits the evolving wisdom to all, including our self, leading us deeper and deeper into the forest of learning. As you move through the sounds and silence of such ancient teachers, the small flowers along the p