Things Worth Considering

Why is Self-Care so hard?



Do you become irate when people treat you badly, or they show you little respect? Furious when someone says they will do something for you and then never a word is said about it or they disappear. They’ll meet you at a certain time and place, and then you are left standing, pacing, waiting for them to show up? Surely the paradox is not lost, if people treated us this way, we would banish most to another planet, but this is how we actually treat our self and then some. The hardest thing we can learn is to treat our self the way we expect others to treat us. Self-care is confusing, the more stressed people become the more self-destructive their behaviour. It doesn’t matter how much we may have studied all there is about stress and self-care, our first reaction is toward self-harming behaviour. There is a saying about living in a body trying to survive and the mind wanting to die. Join us for a discussion about self-care because we deserve better than what we are doing.