Things Worth Considering

Your Spiritual Dashboard



Do you feel like you are hitting a wall with your business and your own growth has stagnated? Many small business owners find it hard to break their own glass ceiling, which limits their growth. There are many factors that can be explored and that may come in the way of your growth. Our guest is a business professional but also embraces spirituality as the base from which a business grows. Applying both analysis and critical thinking they will identify the limiting beliefs that block your business and yourself from pushing through the glass ceiling. Our guest is a practitioner of Vipasana, allowing him to scan the areas of limitation and like a dashboard for many programs, he helps to establish a spiritual business dashboard for his clients to see what they are working with in their personal and business growth. As the founder of ScaleUp42, our guest utilizes his business and spiritual training to take his clients to the next level of awareness, growth and profits.