Things Worth Considering

Spirit Talker



Imagine being a 16 year old and your Father suddenly dies from a massive heart attack . A tough experience for any teenager, however, one year later, your Father’s Spirit not only appears to you but also comes with a powerful life-altering message. This is the story of our guest, Shawn Leonard, an internationally acclaimed evidential medium. His father told him, We all have a purpose and one day you will help people understand their lives and bridge the gap between the physical world and the Spirit World. In the three decades since the visit of his Father’s Spirit, Shawn has worked to finely hone his ability as a Spirit Talker/Medium and his connection to the Spirit World. His gift allows him to help people all over the world as he communicates with departed loved ones, spirits and guides. The insights the Spirit World shares with us help us to better understand our journey here on earth and can provide healing for many people struggling with grief.