Things Worth Considering

New Year’s 2021!



After a year that started with the promises that come with a new decade and a new year, we progressed into a global pandemic and as we end the year we are in a lock down situation. That about sums up 2020. Can’t say we saw that one coming. As the year earned the repeatedly spoken title of ‘unprecedented’, no one knew where this was going, what were we supposed to do, we are now working from home, so is my spouse, suddenly so are the kids and we are all there, at home 24 /7!! Having survived thus far, it is time to bid 2020 adieu and welcome in 2021. Join Alexia and Gord as we let go of 2020. Since it is time for resolutions, some helpful hints to succeed and why we usually don’t follow through with our resolutions. We will be live, call in, say hi! I suspect for most of us given regulations, this is as much a party as we are going to see this year but fun !