Things Worth Considering

Authentic Relating



What if every time you communicated with others, both personally and professionally, it was coming from a place of authenticity. A place of connection to yourself and the other person. What if you could stay aware of what you are feeling, even if uncomfortable, and continue to stay with your connection to the other person. This is what is called Authentic Relating, but only a part of it. Knowing what you think of and how you may treat your inner child, at age 6, age 10, and the 14-year-old? Authentic Relating includes all of our parts even those we learned to hide or we don’t yet know about. It moves us to know who we are, the skills and talents that have laid unknown to our self and to others. Authenticity in relationships pave a pathway toward the richness of our private and work lives. It is the full welcoming of our own darkness — and that of others and of the world — that fosters the integration of darkness with light to help us become whole and fully actualized human beings.