Things Worth Considering

From Florence Nightingale to Today's Incredible Nurses



It was 200 years ago this month, May 1820 that Florence Nightingale was born. She went on to be the pillar of today's modern medicine. She developed a style of nursing that would see schools in North America and Europe teaching the Nightingale nursing approach. But the biggest breakthrough came when she cleaned up the patients' environment as well as bathing them regularly. She observed that simple hygiene saw patients get better and the mortality rate dropped down, way down. She was the original - GO WASH YOUR HANDS! This one woman had an enormous impact on modern medicine. As this was international nurses day and we are in the middle of a pandemic, What better way to say Thank you! to all the nurses on the front line of this pandemic than to salute one of the most influential nurses who helped define modern medicine and modern patient care. With gratitude for your commitment, courage and compassion