Things Worth Considering

Lessons from Coronavirus - COVID - 19



When we think of the Law of Attraction we think of physical items we attract like cars, houses, jobs, we may think of love and that perfect mate, but the Law of Attraction is much more complex. We attract where our energy goes. What if COVID -19 is the physical creation of we human's stress, anxiety, inner hormonal levels like cortisol and frustration. A human creation bubbling up from our collective shadows. Is the earth trying to let us know enough is enough, as we have pillaged her of beauty, starved and robbed her of resources. An increasing number of her plants, flowers, birds and possible medicines have become extinct, never to return. This is what we need to consider, the pandemic is like nothing most of us have ever encountered, ever. It is not random. If it is not random then what should we be learning. Listen in to this show, because one thing people are realizing is, if human's do not change, this pandemic is a small slap, and bigger is coming. Take care and be kind!