Things Worth Considering

Spirituality and Health: Why It Matters



This episode revolves around 2 major subjects that both Gord and Alexia are very passionate about., spirituality and health. We humans are multi-dimensional, we have our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and then there is our astral and etheric bodies. Understanding the interconnection of our many dimensions can help us to utilize all of our parts in our quest for health and wellness. Many think of health as an absence of disease therefore all is well. However our multi-dimensional elements need attention even when they are not causing pain. By including the spiritual (not religious) element into our daily lives we have the opportunity to experience such things as being fully present in the here and now, greater feelings of joy, curiosity, and our creativity springs into action. What we have to gain by discovering and connecting to our spirituality is almost beyond words. Spirituality is a felt-sense not a mental experience, hence we live it not talk about it. Join us!