Things Worth Considering

Health is More Than Just the Absence of Disease



Ever wondered what Holistic means when it comes to your health? What about Acute care like for an accident vs. Holistic approach for chronic aches and pains? My guest, Amanda , who is a practitioner and an instructor will sort out some of our questions as to what health care provider should we go to and when? Is this an either/or situation? The language such as alternative makes it sound like it is one or the other but the word complementary helps us to realize it can all work together. Your spiritual practise helps your body and mind stay healthy, your exercising and diet help your mind and spirit to be in balance with your body. We are also talking about the need for practitioners and our aging population. The Canadian Government predicts that there will be a shortage of practitioners throughout the decade. The Holistic Approach to health includes your body, mind and spirit and not just the absence of disease, it is about you connecting to your self and others.