Things Worth Considering

New Year 2019 New Decade 2020 Are You Ready?



It is about 44 hours since the clock struck midnight, the end of a decade and of course, the year 2019, Going forward into 2020, how many resolutions did you make? In the last 44 hours, assuming you made them on the stroke of midnight, how many did you break so far? Were you able to keep your resolve? Tune in to this episode to get some pointers about why we make resolutions, why most fail and how you can be successful in achieving positive outcomes for your resolutions. You will definitely feel better about yourself when you steer your resolutions to success. As this episode was recorded a few weeks ago and therefore make no mention in the recording, this is the last recording that Jan Hill and I will be making together. Jan has decided for personal reasons to leave the show. With sadness I thank Jan for her presence and the fun time we had making the show. I will continue with Things Worth Considering.