Things Worth Considering

When Grudges are too big to carry Forgiveness is the next big step



Events in our life can go against everything we knew or believed to be true, our anger ensued. Someone did or said something that outraged you and it keeps replaying in your mind. Unable to get rid of the angry thoughts, we develop a grudge. The grudge can grow and consume us. We think of ways to retaliate, to seek revenge. It is now our identity, the victim. ‘Do you know what they did to me?’ as we tell our tale of woe again. People may begin to distance themselves as our disposition becomes toxic from the anger surging in us. This level of distress is too big from a single event. Many times, from our childhood onward this sense of victimization has been experienced. The wrong person may even be targeted by your anger. Time to consider, forgiveness. It doesn’t mean you approve or accept their behaviour. You don’t have to become friends again or even talk to them. Forgiveness is a gift to our self. It says I am not carrying this around anymore.