Things Worth Considering

Stories of Christmas or What happened to Jesus in all this?



Did you think the story of Christmas was just about the birth of Jesus in the middle east in a manager with Shepherds watching their sheep and star gazing with 3 Wise Men showing up at the manger with gifts? No that is only a starting point. Looking back from Christmas today it is an evolving story spanning 2000 years. It moves from the middle east to the Roman Empire where following Jesus teachings was against the law. That is until Emperor Constantine's wife became a christian and Yes, it was now the state religion and his wife gets to live. The very clever modelling of Christmas after a barbaric roman holiday which ended in someone's death to turning it around so it ended with Jesus birth. Bingo, we have converts and Christmas day is officially December 25th. It didn't matter when Jesus was really born. Bring in the Christmas tree from Germany. Amalgamate Father Christmas, St. Nick, and Santa Claus then have Coca-Cola paint him red and you have Christmas today. Oh, Credit Card!