Things Worth Considering

The Attitude of Gratitude



Do you remember one of the very first words you were taught or you taught your children, not Mom or Dad? It was probably please and thank you. Whenever you were given something - you also heard 'can you say Thank-you?' Today we prepare for Canadian Thanksgiving in October and the American Thanksgiving in November. This is no longer about manners , it is thanking the Universal Consciousness and the Earth for giving to us so abundantly as we see the harvest filling our tables. We still need to be asked I guess, 'Are you going to say thank-you?' We take much for granted so don't think of saying thanks or we are focused on how we can get what we don't have. We are not even present to experience gratitude - that felt sense when we embrace all that we already have. here, today. The Attitude of Gratitude fills your sentient body and opens a space for you to attract even more of the good stuff. Join us as we give you attitude with gratitude and Things Worth Considering. Happy Thanksgiving!