Things Worth Considering

Stress for Success and Other Myths we harm our self with



When you hear the word - Stress, do you roll your eyes or pipe in That's me? In spite of years of research and evidence-based assertions as to the detrimental effects of stress most people turn a deaf ear and carry on with their until their body sends out signals that something is wrong. It is known that 70 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress related illnesses. Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual are all possible targets of the stressors we encounter. Not all stress is bad as good stress propels us on to achieve our best but the bad stress can be fatal. We also know that stress is very individual. What one person experiences as stressful another person can swim right through it. Which leads us to an important place. Stress is all about perception. If I think something is stressful then it will be stressful. All told, our attitude, filters and what we learned stresses us out. Join us for a de-stressing chat on the next Things Worth Considering.