Things Worth Considering

Are You Joking?



This episode delves into everything you ever wanted to know about humour. From our own experience we KNOW that humour is affected by lots of things like: culture, maturity, education, intelligence and social context. When people share a joke, a kind of bonding happens. This can work well when teaching, where a good laugh facilitates cognitive functioning and may build an alliance between the teacher and the class members. Laughing produces endorphins which make information travel faster through the brain.There are many benefits to humour including enhanced creativity, promotes connectivity – duchenne smile creates added neural connectivity and immunity boost, even if you are faking it. Laughter is a response to frustration and anxiety and it lowers blood pressure, reduces hormones, raises t cells, and it releases endorphins. Here's a final thought. If the number 2 pencil is so popular, why is it still number 2? Just kidding! Join Gord and Jan for an amusing look at humour.