Things Worth Considering

Medium - Rare



This episode follows up on our Episode called - Medium - Medium Well. People are not only fascinated in the idea of communicating with Spirit and of course wanting to be communicated with, but there are many who wish to become mediums. This episode looks at what is required to unfold our abilities, to raise our vibrational rate in order to be able to communicate with our loved ones and others who are no longer in the physical. it isn't always easy because our ideas of what we think it should be like, often trip us up and we lose that opportunity connect. However, committing time to sit in development classes, being non-judgmental of the way individual talents present themselves, being grateful for the experiences we do have and learning to build on those previous times, all factor in to our development as mediums. Finding a good mentor, someone who you can be guided by, to learn to reach your own spirit teachers and to develop trust in the process. Join us as we explore mediumship.