Things Worth Considering

Tuning into Life through Sound



How do you incorporate sound into your life? Have you ever considered the effects various sounds have on us. Research has shown that certain sounds when played gently have very healing effects on our body, mind and Soul. Sound is Vibration – waves – that affect our body, not just something we hear. 4 Principles of Sound as Healing that I focus on – Frequency, Resonance, Entrainment & Intention. When we look at the research on energy vibrations, sound is perceived in the fairly low auditory range whereas colour vibrations – the visible spectrum – is in a higher range. ‘Sound’s immediate effect is on the physical body, since sound vibrates mass; whereas colour’s effect is on the astral/emotional body.’ (Kay Gardiner) Join Sarah as she introduces to the audience along with Gord and Jan some interesting sounds using the ocean drum, the Tibetan crystal bowls and bells into discovering how sound can tune you into Life. Lots more things for you to consider.