Things Worth Considering

Around the World with the Oracles



For thousands of years humans have sought to connect with the Divine energy of the Universe. Every country across our planet has a history of rituals, beliefs and tools that helped each to connect with the Divine. While connection is what these diverse cultures have in common, it is their Oracular forms that shift and change as you travel around the globe. Today's episode has us climb on board a mystical balloon as we set out to travel the globe and view the important tools used in various locales globally. Our guest, Tiffany Lazic, is our tour leader as we discover tools from the Tarot, the Runes to lesser known like the tossing of bones. Today's episode is a warm up for Tiffany's Mini - workshop at the Transformational Arts College in Toronto on Wednesday July 24, at 7 pm for only $40 with HST included. Join us now as around the World with Oracles promises to give you Things Worth Considering..