Things Worth Considering

Stuck - Unstuck: You Choose!



When was the last time you felt stuck? Unable to make a decision? It may be even simple decisions like what to eat for dinner to life altering decisions like leaving a job, moving to another city or even a country or to leaving our partner with whom we live with. Feeling stuck can be a very painful place to be but it is actually masking something else, for under the pain of our feeling stuck lies other pain which we are trying not to face by being stuck on making other decisions, the perfect diversion. Making decisions, especially big decisions, forces our issues and unhealed parts to come to the surface. From time to time we all feel stuck, or indecisive but then there are times , and they can be for a long time, that we can feel immobilized. Something no one should have to suffer through. This episode looks at some ideas to help move through being stuck but it is your choice. Something worth considering!!