Things Worth Considering

Medium - Medium Well



Do you believe that a part of us lives on after the death of the physical body? Do you believe in the spiritual afterlife? Do you believe some people have the ability to communicate beyond the veil we call death? Mediumship is defined as someone who has contact with the Spirit world and it is their connection to Spirit that brings us messages from those we love who have gone on before us. The psychic is able to tune into other people’s energy, read it and make predictions about what is happening or may happen in future. Psychics are not necessarily mediums but mediums are always psychics. We all have these abilities , however some people are more capable as a result of both nature and nurture. There are many people today that have this talent but keep it hush hush. There is a stigma attached to being a medium and history hasn't bode well to come out about their abilities. Whether this idea entices or terrifies, evidence is mounting as to a spiritual world interacting with ours.