Things Worth Considering

I Knew That! But How Did I know That?



Have you ever known something before it happened? Have you ever met someone and just knew they were trouble? or had this intense attraction to them? Gut feelings, hunches, a feeling and we enter the world of intuition. A very studied field but little agreement and even fewer answers. Some argue it is a probability based on previous knowledge. We do know it is like an early warning radar and when activated, it kicks our fear response into play. Our body fills with adrenaline and we enter the fight /flight mechanism of survival. Many people are living so stressed out that they live in a flight or flight state. How can intuition even function when one of its end results is already fully activated. But it is smarter than our stress reactions and somehow from mothers to corporate executives intuition still supplies us with instant knowing that we can't even explain in the moment. It seems to by-pass the analytical brain and uses our feelings to inform us. Now that's Worth Considering.