Things Worth Considering

The Rise of the Onion People Part 2 - The Battle of the Walls



In Part 1, we discovered that the Onion People are us, humans. The name is derived from a psych model of all the parts we humans contend with in our lives. This onion model puts our true self right in the middle and as we age through all the ups and downs of growing up, we develop layers. One layer is for our defences, another for our sub-personalities and another still for our addictions. Growing up becomes an exercise in fragmentation and building walls. One part of us is in this layer and another hidden in this layer. Maybe it isn't just a breaking apart and separation from who we really are but an interesting defence system that keeps our less desirable parts put away out of sight. Who is making that judgment? Enter shame, the builder of our walls. Society's judge of all things - especially outside the norm. Whirling from trying to please so many things, our inner child becomes caught in this web of shame while locked behind this wall of protection. Help us tear down these walls.