Things Worth Considering

The Rise of the Onion People!



The rise of the Onion people is not a cooking show nor a science fiction tale of onions taking over our planet. No, this episode looks at a model of the human psyche and multi-layered mind that is constantly engaged and energetically influencing all we experience in our life. Our subconscious, receptacle of all memories and ruler of dreams and bodily functions yet cannot tell the difference between fact or fantasy. it is outside the time/space continuum of Einstein's world, a Higher Self or Spirit that is also outside of the earth's time frame. We know of the brain but what of the mind? Where does it exist? As of yet it has never been identified. In the middle we dwell, in a time /space ruled world protected by layer upon layer of energy like an onion and in the centre, our true Self. Our layers hold our wounds and our healing, our disowned parts and our intuitive creativity, defences and empathy, all are things worth considering.