Things Worth Considering

Restraining Your Urge to Go Back to Sleep



Our last episode looked at the process of Spiritual Awakening but compared to today's topic, awakening is not that difficult. It is staying awake that is the hardest part. Since our brain loves habitual behaviours, it is not co-operating very much to assist us with these new behaviours, attitudes and thoughts. In fact, it is acting like it is being take for a ride and it is bent on maintaining the status quo. No new things! After what may have been a peak experience and as we settle into the new energies. we are slowly lulled back into old ways. The things we wanted to change just became a normal part of what we have always known. It takes a lot of work to convince our brain that we seriously want to create change but until it is convinced, we will struggle with old ways and the new. Only to discover we have slowly gone back to sleep. Tune in to this episode as we look at what we are up against but also what we can do about staying awake, and that is worth considering.