Things Worth Considering

Waking Up Is Hard to Do!



This episode takes us far past the common experience of having to wake up because a technology device is set to ensure we wake up and dash off to our jobs - on-time. Today's episode moves us into the awakening of our spirit and the many stories and myths throughout the world's spiritual traditions. A spiritual awakening will be different for everyone but there are some commonalities that help us identify that we may be experiencing a spiritual awakening and not just another bad day. The role of a catalyst, the shift in perception and changes in behaviours and attitudes show us what we can expect. What feelings and emotions are common and the 5 traps of awakening that suggest your ego woke up but your spirit, not quite yet. By taking away the myths we want to give you ideas to make this journey a bit easier for you and everyone around you. Join us for this episode of Things Worth Considering because there is much to consider.