Things Worth Considering

Body Shaming: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly



In spite of warnings not to judge a book by its cover, we all judge books by their cover, or more precisely, each other. From early on, we learn what is considered acceptable and attractive and we learned to measure our self up to our culture's standard. Believing we are not tall enough, not slim enough, not feminine enough, not masculine enough, not pretty enough can have devastating effects on our ability to step into and enjoy the live we would otherwise choose to develop. We may socially isolate and spend, more and more time alone. In isolation we may develop eating disorders, become angry and anxious. Negative self-talk leading to negative self-regard and risk taking behaviours. We may be deceptive on social media sites posting inaccurate self descriptions or even other peoples' photos. We share ways to rid our self of toxic body shame embracing all of our parts, the good, the bad, and the ugly.