Things Worth Considering

Boundaries - Don't leave home without them.



Do you start to feel uncomfortable, perhaps break out in a sweat when someone stands to close to you? Ever noticed how you instinctively find a way to step back and create space from that person who is standing to close? If you have, then you have some experience with boundaries. That imaginary distance we have around us establishes where i stop and you begin. The invisible line marking our space is quite variable for each person and there are those who have utter disregard for other peoples' space, no matter how much you squirm trying to pull back from their intrusion. Boundaries are how we teach people what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour for us. There are people who have rigid boundaries around, like meeting times can only be on these days, between this time and that time. The ideal however, is learning to have flexibility, to find common ground while both parties are honoured in a win-win situation. Boundaries - so much more than the white picket fence around the yard!