Things Worth Considering

Getting to Yes - Breaking Through Communication Breakdown



We all have them, most of us hate them and virtually none of us know how to navigate through them successfully. We refer to disagreements or arguments with our spouses, loved ones and even co-workers. Disagreements that can quickly spin out of control and hurt feelings or destroyed relationships ensue. We will give you tried and true approaches to how to behave and what not to say when you find yourself in such a situation. What not to say like calling someone inappropriate and hurtful names, making unsubstantiated accusations or digging up the past. Talking to everyone else about your problem except the person who needs to hear this. Getting people to voice an opinion about your problem and try to get them to join your 'I am Right' Alliance. More of these ideas will be revealed in this episode of Things Worth Considering. Getting to Yes isn't nearly as difficult as we are lead to believe.