Things Worth Considering

The myths we love by! The agony and ecstacy of 'We-ness'



The myths of romantic love inform us how women need to be rescued, forever the helpless victim and saved by none other than a heroic muscular man. In books, movies and fantasies this scenario ties us to gender biases and heteronormative stories. Yet historically and in parts of today's world, marriage has little to do with romance but arranged to acquire wealth, title and prestige. Any wonder we have difficulties with relationships and the expectations placed on what ideally is a spiritual connection but fraught with secular aspirations. As we are always in relationships of different kinds, we look at qualities like trust, respect and acceptance. We ponder the mystery of attraction. Who we are attracted to? Why often the same type. Using the Hendrick's Imago work, we see it starts with our parents and the unmet needs of our childhood. Still we attempt to meet those needs from similar people as our parents. Fascinating and disturbing! Join us on our journey to connect.